I find it the sweetest thing in all the world that my baby girl wants to do everything I do and say everything I say. I also find it the scariest thing in all the world. So much flattery and so much responsibility all in one place. Here my love bug joined me in my (almost) daily effort toward keeping our glass top tables dust and dog hair free. Doing life with
Georgea, even when it's just dusting the furniture, brings me an awful lot of joy.
Im so excited for you Amy! Imagine Georgea is going to be a big sister...
Will love following your journey this time too! Dx
What a good helper...send her over. ; )
Hey Guys - I've been gone for a while - but I assure you that you haven't been forgotten!
there's a ton I could comment on - like the 800A approval and such - but mostly I'm thinking - "wow - what a great kid and trooper through all of this Georgea has been".
And then its "wow - what a great job her folks have done in supporting and teaching and guiding and caring for that little doll too!" I can't compliment ya'll enough on helping her to understand and letting her learn about the treatment and stitches and stuff - that's just great stuff!
And then it's "wow - what her folks have learned about how it feels one their child is in surgery and recovering from something like that" - don't ya'll just wish you could go through it for her!
Anyway - great things in your lives - couldn't be happier that things are going so well - and give her a little hug from us special today - k? ;)
hugs - aus and co.
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