Monday, February 21, 2011

Removal of Right Hand Cast, 2-1-11

After waiting the recommended two weeks, we removed Georgea's hand cast at home, as we had done with her soft foot cast the week prior. This experience was different. She was much more somber during this process and really didn't "bounce back" until later in the day. I'm not sure if it was because she was attached to the extra finger on her right hand which she affectionately referred to as "pinky", or because of the obvious fact that her hand is closer to her face, easier to look at, touch, observe. Maybe a combination of both. So, we reminded Georgea of the conversations we had about her 12 and our 10 fingers (and toes) and how someday soon she would be the "same" as Mama and Dada. We looked at, touched and became familiar with her (dissolvable) stitches. And the following couple of weeks, once the dust settled, we talked about how her right cast was "off" and next her left cast would be "on"...and then that cast would be "off" and then....NO MORE CASTS! NO MORE STITCHES! This conversation (which we made very animated) was entertaining for Georgea and she ultimately joined in with lots of energy and enthusiasm.
Taking it in.

Learning what stitches are.

Comparing her right hand with her left (the only extremity which still had 6 digits).

I love this picture because Georgea was holding on to my ring finger with her left hand while she examined her right hand. These are the moments that bring tears to my eyes. Her tender touch and the security she finds in holding on to even one of my fingers gives me chills. God has joined our hearts in such an amazing way. I love the miracle of adoption....this child He has given me. I feel so undeserving, yet so thankful, grateful. My heart is full, full, full.


Debbie said...

Love this post...I dont think there is a better feeling than knowing you can give comfort to your child just by your touch...D

Sue said...

Truer words could not be spoken...

Sue : )