Wednesday, August 31, 2011


We waited so long to hear Georgea talk. Lots of speech therapy and work, work, work! Now she is memorizing books and reciting them to us. MUSIC to our ears!!

Friday, August 19, 2011


It's been a crazy busy summer! And now, here we are with our "baby" starting pre-school. How did that happen? Georgea turned three in May & we attended her pre-school open house last Thursday. Georgea checked out the room, met her teachers and had a great experience developing a familiarity with the new surroundings.

Georgea's cubby!

Seeing her name on the window with her new "friends'" made it seem real!

Getting into some of the fun "stuff" with Daddy.

Having a tea party with her new friend Clifford (a gift from Aunt Becky!).

We brought home a little project from Georgea's open house. We had to create an "All About Georgea" theme with a poster provided by her teacher. We had a lot of fun filling in the blanks and finding pictures to complete the poster. Georgea got in on the action by doing a little "writing." :-)

Monday was the big day! My sister, Becky was in town from Maryland, so she & Daddy did drop off. We felt it was best for me to stay behind in an effort to minimize the emotion & potential clingy-ness.
The school has parents drop off at the playground which is a great way to help ease the separation anxiety that comes naturally during the first few days of "the unknown."

Heading out at the completion of day one!

Running to Mama!

Great first day- success!

With Georgea's teacher, Mrs. Perry.