We sent another care package to Georgea this week! I can't fight my maternal urge to do something for her. Since I can't get my hands on her, this will have to suffice for now. We sent some cookies (I wonder if they are trans fat free and all natural?), a music farm piano (I hope she has the musical & vocal ability that her Daddy has!), a little book, some hair bows (that gorgeous head of hair deserves a bow or two, wouldn't you agree?!), another camera that we'll hope to receive back full of photos, and a letter to the orphanage director with questions about Georgea that we'll also hope to receive back filled with answers when we go to pick her up. Ann at Red Thread China said Georgea will receive this package on Monday. I hope it makes her smile.
That is a really cute package. Love the little piano. : )
Crossing my fingers you get some photos!
Red Thread is the best! I love Ann. She puts together really fun packages and gets them to the orphanages with a really quick turn time. Nice to have someone who's there in China doing this! :-)
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