Saturday, May 16, 2009 is down in China....

A new friend of mine who lives in Shanghai just informed me that is down in China right now. She's not sure why & said this does happen intermittently. We're hoping it will be back up and running by the time we arrive in Beijing Friday 5/22. If you don't see or hear anything from us on the blog, please know the reason is that blogger is down.


Sue said...

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is just not an option!!!

Sue ; )

Aus said...

Hey - there are work arounds - including e-mail! If you don't what to bother anyone in the family / friend group - and if you are feeling long on trust - you are free to e-mail us posting access to your blog and your posts and we'll be happy to help! (aussie @ - no spaces) While we were in GZ we were able to access the 'post page' but not any of the functionality - so we wrote the posts in word then were able to copy and paste. Finally - if you have access to a good proxy server somewhere - you can log into that - then into blogger, do your thing, and then log out. Most of all remember two things - 1) That China is not the US and you have no constitutional rights while you are in country and 2) That the Internet in China is not the Internet in the West. Happy to help any way we can - aus and co.

Anonymous said...

I agree! Blogger being down? Not an option!
We will all simply have to go with you if this is the case. I'm packing my bags just in case! :) We are counting down with you...I think we are almost as excited as you are!!!!!
Please kiss Georgea's sweet, soft cheeks for all of us, okay?

Love, Love and More Love!
The Andrys

Aus said...

Just in case you don't get another post in before you leave (tomorrow if memory serves) Blessing on you and your journey....fair winds and following seas

and hugs - aus and co