We had an awesome day today, although it started with a stressful Dr's visit for Georgea. We headed to the Chinese medical clinic for her required physical exam (along with the other 20 families in our travel group). Georgea does not care for diaper changes nor any type of dressing and undressing. So, heading to the clinic for people to examine, weigh, measure, poke and prod her was not her cup of tea! We survived the tears though & left the clinic with a happy, smiling, giggling girl. She is truly a joy! James tried to photograph one of her exams. There was a lot going on, so all he was able to get was the back of a nurse and a really fabulous shot of our healthy girl's thighs. Pretty adorable to look at though, I must say, so I've included it in our photos for today.
On the way back to the hotel from the clinic we were stopped (as we often are) by a local who asked if we'd like to chat because he is working on his English. This is so impressive to both of us. So many people in China speak English and broken or not, since we both speak only one language, we think it's really awesome. We chatted for quite awhile with the gentleman whose "English name" is "James." He is a huge NBA fan so he and James talked basketball and we all really enjoyed the interaction. We love the Chinese people and feel blessed to have such experiences. We are also thankful to be so accepted and welcomed by the locals here.
The other photos are of us with our new friends Marissa and Teri. Marissa is 15 mos. old, so you can see how healthy our 12 month old little Georgea is when you see her next to a baby who is 3 months her senior. James was kind enough to include my head in the picture, but my vanity got the best of me and I cropped myself (mostly) out. Some things don't change, even with motherhood! :-)
We took Georgea to her first Starbucks and I love that it was in China. She'll be visiting Starbucks frequently with Mommy, Daddy and Grandpa George in AZ & MD! Can't wait!
Later in the day we did a nail trim. Now that was a treat! We wanted to wait, but Georgea's nails (while what I would consider well manicured) were just long enough for her to do some serious scratching. So, we tackled the nail trim and she was NOT having it!! We managed to get all of her toes and all of her fingers (exhausting!), but I got my hair pulled all out of whack in the process. She grabs and yanks and is stronger than any 12 month old I've ever met. It was funnier than it was painful and James captured the lovely "do" on film so we could remember our first nail trim experience.
We were also able to get a couple of shots in our hotel in front of one of the waterfalls. The White Swan really is beautiful. Then, we headed to lunch at the Thai restaurant that we enjoyed at dinner the night prior. We were finally able to capture some smiles! James is an impressive photographer because it is hard to capture all the different expressions Georgea makes. She is a smiley girl, but catching one of those smiles on "film" is quite a tricky process. I'm so happy to post these few photos of her smiling from ear to ear and to share this sweet expression with our friends and loved ones. Who couldn't fall in love with that precious grin?!!
Once again we are enjoying all of this so much! Finally a smile caught on camera :) Look at all of her teeth.. she has more than Isabella! And those thighs.. those are pinch'n thighs! Enjoy your last day.
Christina, Jeff & Isabella
I do believe you have one of the MOST BEAUTIFUL BABIES I have ever seen! I want to hug and squeeze her little baby body right over the computer monitor!! We are so excited for you! I have goosebumps on my arms for how much I am sharing in your happiness right now. The three of you look perfect together... all our affection, Grace and Tim
A SMILE is worth a thousand words.....she is so sweet. I craked up at the Starbucks picture. We had a big laugh at lunch yesterday. There was a 3 year old girl at the table next to us who heard her mom say that her soft drink tasted funny. The little girl looked at her mom and said ... did it make you laugh? It is finally your turn to enjoy all the love and laughter that your daughter will bring to your lives. Hey I really wanted to see the picture that James took after the nail clipping episode..... lol. Keep the pictures coming.... Love you guys, Patricia and Gary
I love all of the pics! It just makes me so happy to see you all together!!! Enjoy the last day in China with Georgea....and have a safe trip home. Can't wait to hear that you're home safely and that Georgea is finally in HER home with HER family!!!!
We love you!!!
These pictures are priceless! Love the smiles! Your trip sounds like it was an awesome time and Georgea...who could ask for anything more?!! She is so precious and I can NOT wait to meet her! Give her hugs and kisses from me. So very, very happy for the three of you!!! God has been so good...
Lots of love and lattes!
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