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Paws Off
Perhaps I should explain? James & I made the decision (after counsel from our social worker, and observation of and feedback from friends who have walked this path of adoption) to wait a month before we allowed friends and family to hold Georgea. This was a personal decision for us. We've had friends who didn't follow this "rule" and some who waited far longer than a month, but this was a time frame we felt good about. We made this decision because we believe this will give Georgea time to bond with us in a unique way, and will help to differentiate our relationship with her from others she will be getting to know. Additionally we are the only ones who are doing "the things that build trust" such as changing diapers, feeding and giving Georgea her bottle, bathing, and putting her down at night. I wanted to share this information because I realized that while this was an important decision for us, we hadn't necessarily discussed it with some of the people that we are closest to. So far everyone we've come in contact with, mostly neighbors because we have purposely stayed close to home for the most part, have been amazingly understanding and supportive. My sister is coming to visit on June 29th and she'll be the first to hold Georgea. I'm looking forward to that visit, and to "sharing" our baby girl with other friends and family who have been so patient with us thus far. Thanks so much for loving and supporting us as we strive to make the best decisions for our family. We are so thankful!
You are such great parents, Amy and James! The decisions you are making are very obviously in the best interest of your beautiful daughter and are the first of many big decisions you will be making over the years! I am SOOO excited for Becky to be the first to hold your precious one! Much love to you all!!!!!!!
Love, Heidi
Okay, that sign made me laugh. : ) What a great moment for you and your sister to share. You guys are such great parents. : )
I love Georgea's outfit!
She is just so beautiful! Sounds like things are going really well. We've done the "no one holds her but mom & dad" thing too, and I think it's working really well. But Phoebe gets a babysitter in 2 weeks when I take the Boards-- hm, things are going to change!
Hey guys - support you on that one 110%! With some it's a week - with others a month - and there have been a few that I know with attachment concerns where it had to be longer! Whatever is right for you and your daughter - that's what's right, regardless of anyone else's opinion! Just wait - with our first adoption we had STRANGERS IN PUBLIC PLACES think it was OK to try to pick her up - and that made for some really interesting conversations!
Hang tough - and if / when you start getting stupid comments from people - remember that they really (probably) don't mean to be stupid - they just aren't thinking!
hugs - aus and co.
She sure is a cutie!
Don't mind u snagging the sign, I did, it should come in the hand held version! Your people will be happy to know that I've told my people that they may not touch my kid in about 10 years, 5 if they are lucky. ;0)
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