In January we were told that Georgea has a genetic abnormality, that she had a "mosaic" genetic composition in some of her cells. This was discovered via some bloodwork that G's developmental pediatrician had run. As a result of this news we met with a geneticist and had a full chromosomal microarray genetic test run. The results of this test would reveal to us how the genetic abnormality was affecting Georgea. Last week we received amazing, miraculous and totally unexpected news! The results of the CM test showed that the 5% of abnormal cells were GONE! Georgea does not have a genetic disorder after all. What an amazing blessing for our family to receive this news! Georgea is progressing so well that this news really does make sense, however we never expected that this was even possible. God is good and we are so thankful!!

Some photos of our smiley girl at her geneticist's office.
Miracles do happen!! The best news of the year!!
Sue : )
What great news - we call it a miracle!! We got ours with Brianna - who was going to need heart surgery within days of us getting her home (we had a confirmed echocardiogram done in Seoul prior to our adoption)...and by the time we got her home the problem had 'resolved' on it's own...I can't explain it - but I'll take it!
Great joy - and a prayer of thanksgiving -
hugs - aus and co.
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