Our beautiful niece Allison graduated from Clearwater High School (with honors!) in early June and we were able to attend her graduation festivities and cheer her on. It was an awesome time with family and a special experience celebrating Alli and all of her many accomplishments. Here she is with "big" sis Caitlynn and "little" sis Meghann. LOVE these girls!

Smiley grad!

Alli and her Daddy, my brother-in-law, John.

We traveled from Arizona, Indiana and Tennessee. It was great to have everyone together.

Georgea with her cousin Meghann. She loves hanging out with her cousins.

Alli with Grandma and Papa.

Aunt Bea-Bea and Grandma.

Mama & Dada (and G in her ergo with sippy cup pressed against my neck...oh well!)

Our nephew Jonathan with Meg and Cait.

The fireworks were beautiful, but Georgea really was not sure about them. Thus, I plunked her into her Ergo for some close comfort and snuggle time.

Ergo baby, working the crowd.

The day after graduation, hanging out at the pool with the family and more celebrating!!

Huggy-huggy Cait & Georgea.

Alexis gets a good giggle out of Georgea via some toe smooches.

Walking with Eva and Alexis. Georgea was the only baby in the bunch which meant lots of attention for a pretty little 2 year old.

A few moments of beach time was all we had, and Georgea loved it!

Bye-bye beautiful sand and surf.....we'll be back soon.
What a great celebrations - congrats to the grad - and G just looks super!
hugs - aus and co.
Great photos and memories!!
Sue : )
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