Well, we're getting in our groove with all of Georgea's therapies and appointments. Georgea is currently in a once weekly speech therapy & occupational therapy routine. We are on the waiting list for PT and hopeful to start prior to month end. I personally am feeling much better having Georgea's developmental assessments behind us and moving forward with the actual process of getting Georgea on the road to catching up. James and I are learning a lot. We've been educated regarding some simple steps and activities that have been easily added into our usual routine at home with Georgea. All of the things we are implementing at home should help build on the foundation that is being created through Georgea's PT, OT & ST sessions.
Some of the things we are working on at home are offering Georgea a half or even a "strip" sandwich, rather than cutting everything into tiny bites for her, putting honey or yogurt on the edges of her lips to encourage her to lick and thus utililze her tongue and mouth muscles in a unique way, pointing to our mouths when we talk to draw attention to our speech, offering Georgea choices and encouraging a verbal response rather than just making the choice for her every time. During play time we are focusing on stacking, putting things in and taking them out of buckets or bowls, using spoons to stir, and the list goes on. We are making a concerted effort to walk while holding Georgea's hand rather than just picking her up and carrying her everywhere we go. And, Georgea took EIGHT steps last night walking back & forth between James & me....multiple times! We're getting very close to seeing our baby girl walk independently.
All in all we're very excited to be on this path. We waited a long time for Georgea to join our family and we are thankful and so happy to be working alongside her through this process.

Learning to eat an actual sandwich rather than just picking up "baby bites."

Success! YUM!

Working the stacking cups!

Here's the honey on the lips trick. This one was too funny and Georgea really enjoyed it.

Smiling at Daddy, not yet ready to lick my lips.

"Honey is de-lish!" This is one of Georgea's first sweet treats. I'm learning to bend the "rules" when it's for Georgea's benefit.

FINALLY, some progress. I was wondering if this was just going to be a lesson in how wonderfully delicious honey/SUGAR is.

Ah ha! Working those muscles & becoming "aware" of her mouth.

"I did it!" Georgea LOVES praise & usually joins in when she is receiving it. So sweet.

The end of a wonderful speech therapy at-home exercise. Well done!
I love her! So proud of her too. The picture of her with the sandwhich is my favorite. I'm so glad to see all the progress and learning, you guys are doing amazing. : )
Eight steps??? WAHOOO!
You will continue to RELISH in every accomplishment she makes, which is of course attributed to her loving parents!
Keep posting pics! They always make my day!
Dear amy. We love you. We miss you. We saw Georgea sticking her tongue out and we thought she looked silly. We LOVE her!
Uncle James thinks that Olivia and Peyton are awesome, smart and beautiful! And we are thankful for Olivia especially because God helped Uncle James prepare for adoption with Olivia.
Of COURSE she loves honey!! She is my niece!!!!!!!!!! ;-)
I had to laugh out loud at the honey pics! Out of curiosity I tried it at home w/ our 16-month old and she didn't want to lick... instead used her hand to wipe it into her mouth! LOL!
Proud of the girl! Ya'll really are cool - and I can remember one or two AZ mornings too - most around a campfire - that's when they are best!
We're home from China - look for us a little more regularly again!
hugs - aus and co.
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