Monday, December 21, 2009

JiaTing (family)!

We attended a FCC Jia Ting cookie exchange on Saturday and it was so fun to see everyone. We've been a little out of the loop the last few months & it was really nice to get together with the group and to see Georgea playing with her FCC friends. It was a beautiful day so we enjoyed hanging outside with the kids, snacking on all manner of delicious holiday cookies and just getting caught up with everyone. Georgea had a great time, and so did we!

1 comment:

Aus said...

Glad you guys have and FCC - we're blessed to have both an FCC and a KFC (Korean Family Connection) for both the girls. When I look at these pictures and then think back to some of the first ones you posted - I see a completely different child...all good...and happy. Wow, nice work!

hugs - aus and co.