Well, we've been back for almost 2 weeks now. We arrived home in the wee hours of the morning on 3/22. It's been such a whirlwind, we really haven't stopped. I wasn't able to blog in China. Blogger was blocked and honestly, our days were so full, I don't know that I would have made the time, even if I could have logged on. It was eat, sleep and care for two sweet girls. If I'd given a moment to blogging I would have missed something else, and there was nothing else I could part with on that amazing trip....most certainly not my sleep. I have a bazillion beautiful pictures, but haven't been able to organize them. So, tonight I'm loading a few that cover the "Reader's Digest" version of our trip. And so hoping that I can carve out the time to get the remainder of those photos that help preserve the precious memory of our journey to Grace, to beautiful China, organized on on the blog before too much more time passes.
Grace Ning Si Qi accepts a snack tentatively, from her new big sister. Georgea handled this day with amazing sensitivity and grace. She truly continues to amaze me.
LOVE my first born. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!
Dr. Barbara with our girls.
Grace cried at first. Then cooperated, then........
...decided she'd cry again. And, in true sympathetic form her big sister decided to join in. I just decided it was best to find the humor in the situation and a few moments later all was well.
Touring Nanchang with a solemn baby girl.
My two beautiful girls. Let the coordinating outfits begin!
Georgea, seeming so grown up all of a sudden.
Somber, solemn, serious. Grace was just taking it all in the first few days.
Georgea expanded her social horizons and made friends from all over the U.S. via the older siblings in our travel group. What a huge blessing!
Nanchang & Jiangxi province are known for porcelain. Here we are visiting some of the porcelain shops near our hotel.
Now in Guangzhou, Guangdong province at the dreaded, but mandatory International Travel Healthcare, adoptive medical exam. It was hot & crowded. Grace was not happy, but she plowed through this process and we were out in a few hours.
"Don't mess with me!!!" Following in Georgea's footsteps. We have very similar photos of Georgea with lots of tears, just less than 3 years ago when we made our first trip to China.
Bouncing back & showing the start of a tiny little grin.
"The big kids!"
At "Lucy's" restaurant in Guangzhou. A favorite from our first trip, mainly because of the outdoor, park-adjacent seating.
Beautiful view of the Pearl River from the park next to Lucy's.
Isaac, Emma, Georgea & Simon became fast friends! Such an awesome group of older siblings.
In the lobby of the Victory Hotel where we stayed in Guangzhou, nearing the end of our trip.
Grace took to Georgea and was very interested in her from the get-go and Georgea immediately wrapped her arms around her little sister. I can't express how proud I am of Georgea's adjustment, truly impressive and such a gift to James and me.
Georgea with her buddies Isaac & Simon. Way too cute!
I'm quite sure Georgea wishes she could have taken these guys "her guys" home with her!
Ahhh, the smiles were treasures each time we caught a glimpse.
Our travel group (minus one family), gathered in the lobby of the Garden Hotel in Guangzhou. We had such a wonderful and diverse group and so enjoyed getting to know all the families.
More to come on our travel home & adjustment as soon as time allows......
I've been checking the blog every night before bed to see if you had the chance to update and was so excited to see this post tonight! Thanks for sharing this very personal experience. It melted my heart too to see some of the tougher moments with Grace, she sure has gone thru a lot and must have been confused at first. However the smile photos were so sweet and a sure sign of more happiness to come with her new loving amazing family!!! Congrats and love to you, James, Georgea and Grace!! Hope to meet her in person one day soon!
Well welcome home!! Great to see Grace make the changes - and Georgea looks like a great Jei Jei!! Can't wait to see more - and like you guys - can't wait to go back to China one day!
hugs - aus and co.
I loved reading about your journey. Grace is beautiful - I love to see her smile. Georgea has obviously risen to her new status as big sister with such love and sensitivity. Congratulations.
Im so glad you have had the chance to post and introduce your new daughter, she is just beautiful and of course I love the name!
And Georgea? WOW, what a great big sister :)
Congratulations to you all...you guys look like you have always been together and were destined to be a wee family.
Congrualtions again and what wonderful memories you must have ! Grace is absolutely beautiful. And I cannot believe how grown-up Georgea is now. She seems to be enjoying her role as big sis :)
Hugs to your family, and hopefully we will meet this summer in AZ!
Hello, If you check this blog & read this comment, I would love for you to contact me if possible. We just received our referral May of 2012 from the Ningdu County CWI, Jiangxi & am wondering if you can help me w/ a few questions. my email is marsi@kmdezine.com thank you.
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