Saturday, April 16, 2011

"Bye-Bye Haba"

After a wonderful few months of having my Dad (Georgea's "Haba") just around the corner as a winter resident, spring has sprung and Dad has headed back east. Georgea loved hanging with her Haba this winter. They do a lot of laughing and cutting up when they are together & she is missing him already, as are we. This was our last Saturday together & it was a good one. We accommodated Georgea's request to stay in her "jammies" all day long. We enjoyed a nice, lazy breakfast out at one of our favorite spots and then took it easy the rest of the day. Perfect!


Debbie said...

Aen't grandparents the best??? Don't knmow what we would do without ours.... Dx

Sue said...

Bye Haba! See you next time. Your dad is the best! Georgea is blessed to have him. : )
