How can it be that my baby girl is 20 months old? We've been together as a family for 8 months now and the time is just flying. We are so in love with you Georgea Lin Zi Luo. Thank you for filling our life with more love than we ever imagined.
I am married to the man of my dreams, Mommy to a sweet angel from Guangxi province China, and enjoying every moment of living in the warm sunshine of the Arizona desert. I love God, family, friends and really enjoy my career. I waited 40+ years to take this journey called motherhood and am thrilled to finally be diving in!
I love receiving comments. They are so meaningful to me. Youdon't need a Google account to leave a comment, just select the anonymous option. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.
"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17
"Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west....Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth.'" -Isaiah 43: 5-6
"For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11
30 Days of Nothing - Winding Down
I guess I thought it would be more dramatic. That I would be kind
know, twitching and having all sorts of glee about the last few days of
A Year and a HALF later!!!
It is so hard to believe that we have now been home with Jinsey for a year
and a half! She is doing so well. She is loved by everyone, always has a
Last Day of Touring
Today was our last day of sightseeing. And only our second day of rain for
the whole trip, which is amazing because this is the rainy season in the
south. ...
7 in heaven, #sprinklejoyforivy
Share share share!!
Saturday! Be Joy!!! Ivy will turn 7 in Heaven, lets Sprinkle Joy for Ivy!
At 7am our family will head to Ivys home church to clean fo...
Arcade Time!
The kids couldn't wait for the new arcade in our basement to be decorated.
They got down there, fired up the games, and didn't come out for hours!
4th Annual Harry Potter Yule Ball
For my long time followers, you know that my husband loves Harry Potter and
spends time each week reading Harry Potter during the lunch hour at two
November is national adoption awareness month. (note that I did not say
national Let's celebrate adoption month.) I'm know we are all likely aware
of adop...
Sanqingsan Mountain
Just an hour or two outside of the city of Shangrao the city falls away and
the mountain rise up. We took an enclosed gondola-- a rather high tech one
Sept. 11, 2012 (11 years later)
I struggled with this post this year. So much has changed in so many
ways. I know I don't blog here much anymore, but I felt it necessary to do
so today ...
the long road to china is now lizzyrose photography
We have officially moved!!!
This site will no longer be updated.
I am kind of sad to say goodbye to this old site because of the fond
memories and incredibl...
Hangin Out with Brothers!
The last few weeks have been full of lounging around and settling into
Lazy mornings and pool side afternoons are the best!
Isaac went to the...
Back into blogging world again... Life is busy!
Since Facebook has come into play in my life it seems like my blogging
has taking a side seat. Actually, with our adoption of Summer last year,
1 comment:
DONT BLINK! It all goes so fast! Enjoy every moment! (Which I know you already are :)Miss you bunches and hope all is going well!
Love, Heidi
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