Georgea has had some chest congestion & is on a nebulizer breathing treatment regimine. She was so hysterical when they treated her at the Dr's office that she was soaking in sweat when the treatment was complete. At home, quite a different story. Here, playing with her brush & cup while Mama sings to her, administering the breathing treatment.

Soooo boring, she fell asleep!! I'm going to take this picture to Georgea's Dr. She won't believe it!

My little angel. Such a good girl.

Sunset fun with Dada. The swimsuit is a bit large, but Daddy picked it out & Georgea was oblivious. :-)

I'm telling you, this little girl has special smiles that she reserves, just for Daddy. She really knows how to work him over!
Your girl is certainly growing fast and her hair is coming in so beautiful!
To answer your questions: the doll was a hand me down from Alison after Mali outgrew it. But it's the Fisher Price Sonya Lee baby & I love my juicer. It's a Breville, I got it at Macy's and I can tell you that I juiced for 3 weeks straight and then ate 'normal' this past week because we were out of town and had company and I feel like crap. Juicing is certainly a feel good drink. I love to juice greens but will juice anything once and try it. I'm sure you'd love it as well=0)
Oh my oh my oh my - that smile is something that I'm sure wraps the Baba right around her finger (it would me - I'd have real trouble saying no to a smile like that!) What a lot of joy and love on that face....dang!
Blessings and lots of joy for you guys -
aus and co.
Oh boy, she sure does work the daddy! Love the looks she gives him.
Sweet girl with her breathing treatment, what a good patient she is! ; )
Hey Amy, for some odd reason, I could read your message thru FB on my phone, but not on FB and can't reply. I don't have your email, so if you could email me at gulfcruzan@yahoo.com that would help me to pass along the link. Thanks!
I just found your blog. I am leaving in two weeks to get our baby girl from 1st Yulin SWI.
Your daughter is just beautiful! Congratulations!
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