I'm not the most flexible person by nature. Those who know me well are probably laughing, as this may actually be an understatement. I have however learned over the years that flexibility is not only important but necessary. Necessary to function well at work, in relationships, necessary...period. And, I've become much more flexible with a lot of concerted effort toward this cause. Becoming a parent has forced the issue for me. This is another on the long list of ways that Georgea has had a positive impact on my life.
This week we are facing a lot of change in our household. I go back to work tomorrow, after a wonderful maternity leave, bonding with my baby girl. I am anxious & excited to get back to work. I do struggle though, as most working Moms do I suppose, with "leaving" my baby while I go off to enjoy my career. My Mom stayed at home and was such a wonderful Mother, and role model for me. I'm sure this is where some of my struggle comes in. How do you "do it all", "have it all?" What does that even mean? I know balancing this new life of ours will be a learning experience for all of us.
In addition to my return to work, we are faced with a family struggle that is not so positive. My Mom went into the hospital on Friday. She was having some unusual memory loss and ultimately my Dad ended up taking her to the ER. After some testing the Dr.'s discovered that my Mom has a mass on her brain. That's all we know right now. There will be additional tests run early this week and we are all so anxious to better understand the details of my Mother's condition and what is next. My Mom is one of the great loves of my life. This news...oh it just makes my heart so heavy. And living so far from "home" makes it really tough. Your prayers for my Mom's health and for my entire family are very much appreciated.
It's been such a busy time preparing to go back to work & then dealing with the news regarding my Mom's hospitalization that photo ops have been pushed to the side. James did manage to snap a few shots of our girl glaming it up in her white sunglasses yesterday afternoon though.
Our baby girl is changing too, right before our eyes. Georgea is growing taller, her beautiful hair is growing and actually lightening from spending time in the Arizona sun. She's smiling and "talking" more often, and filling our hearts to overflowing with frequent hugs, pats and sweet raspy laughter. Change is good.