Wednesday was another good day. Georgea slept well again Tuesday night & we had to wake her in the morning on Wednesday for breakfast. She was so sleepy when we got downstairs to the restaurant she wasn't really interested in food nor her bottle. She was in a sleepy, "why did you wake me, I could have slept another good hour" daze. Although she fusses when she goes down, once she's out she's a really solid sleeper. She also does not like waking up. not a morning person, which means she matches perfectly with Daddy.
After breakfast Georgea took a little morning nap, had some play time and then it was off for more paperwork. There is a 3 day holiday Thursday-Saturday here in China and due to the holiday there was some concern that we may not be able to get Georgea's Chinese passport on time. We had to get the passport on Wednesday in order to stay on target with the remainder of our travel and government appointments. Thankfully, the passport office was able to rush Georgea's Chinese passport for us and we now have that in hand, ready for travel! After lots of rushing around wrapping up paperwork and running a few errands we grabbed a bite to eat at the restaurant next to our hotel. Georgea took her bottle and fell fast asleep in Daddy's arms at the dinner table. It was an exhausting day for a 1 year old who's had a whirlwind of transition and activity over a 3 day period and yet she hung right in there like a sweet little angel. No complaints, no whining, just "go with the flow." It took about an hour of fussing at bed time for Georgea to relax, and that was followed by an hour of coo-ing, ga-ga's, etc. Finally I put her in her crib where the coo-ing and ga-ga's continued until she fell peacefully asleep about 15 minutes later. Seriously, is this my baby? So beautiful, so sweet. God is good and my heart is overflowing.
My heart is just so happy! Everytime I see the pictures, I think that you guys have spent a life time together! Georgea looks so content and comfortable with you guys! YOU ARE A FAMILY!!!! Life is good! Now, enjoy every minute with this sweet little Georgea because she will grow so fast. Just sit back and take it all it....breath and smile! She's finally yours!!!!
We love you guys!
Kely and the Chiavacci Family
What a joy to see that precious little princess so happy in her Daddy's arms! I just want to squeeze those legs! Amy, Georgea really does look so well cared for - what a great start. Love and prayers. Sherry, Dave and Annalee xoxoxoxoxo
What can I say? She is so beautiful and I am so thrilled everything is going smoothly for the three of you. Isn't it WONDERFUL to know that she has been cared for and loved so beautifully until you and James bring her home? So many people brought her to you and she was loved all along the way. It's a big gift for all of you! XOXO
So happy to be on the journey with you...looks like you all belong there...and you belong togehther.
She is smart and looks happy and ready for more of the same good stuff!
What a love bug!
xoxox thanks for taking me with you!
Such a sweet baby!! Love the photos of her eating with her daddy... She looks so content already. Lovely.
WOW - what a great personality - Blessings!
aus and co.
Considering the whirlwind of events, she seems to be transitioning like a champ. You all look so comfortable :-)Great news about her passport. I hope the rest of the trip goes smooth.
God is so good! All our continued love and prayers.
Patricia & Gary
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