Community. Support. Joy. Real people. Real truth. Accountability. Laughter. Tears. Long talks. Long walks. Enduring friendship. Love. These are some of the things I see when I look at this photo. James & I spent more than 10 of our 20 years of married life doing life in Cincinnati Ohio. This family represents a beautiful history of friendships made, and life lived with abundance. I cared for sweet, beautiful Amanda at our church, when she was just a baby. We've watched Matthew grow from newborn to adventurous young man. Nancy and Tom are some of our dearest "life" friends. They've walked alongside James & me, watching us shift from "married forever" career couple to first-time parents helping sustain us through the challenges that can come from such big life transition.
I'm missing Cincinnati these days. We darted back out west several years ago, chasing my career. I've loved so much of this time. I just have such an affinity for the western U.S. And, I love working, strategizing, building relationships that build a business. But I miss those long-standing deep friendships that we left behind. I miss our church. I miss the community. A lot has changed for James & me in the past 2 years. We lost my Mom; we gained our sweet baby girl. Pain and blessings that have affected our family in a very profound way. Hearts grow, desires and needs change, when life's path takes unexpected, winding turns.
I do believe there can be growth, opportunity and joy wherever we are planted. My goal is to focus on that, because we sure do have a lot to be thankful for where we are.

Amanda, loving on Georgea. Seeing the two of them together brings me a lot of joy.

Ginger, Jen and Steph. Three of my girls. Distance has not altered our bond.

With Usha. Friend, prayer warrior, confidante. Thankful me.

Daddy and his girl making the rounds at an "open house" that Tom and Nancy hosted for us.

With Susan & Jen.