Sunday, September 5, 2010

First Pedi!!

We are having a girly-girl weekend and what better time for a first pedi?! We did the abbreviated version, at home. Just a simple coat of sweet spa experience this go around. Georgea did so well though, that maybe she'll go with Mama next time for the "real deal!"

Playtime with Alexa...

Georgea & I headed over to Alexa's house today for some playtime. It's still interesting for me to observe Georgea's pattern of tentativeness, followed by inquisitiveness, followed by her let-loose, let's play, rambunctious nature being unleashed. It takes Georgea almost an hour to find that comfortable, secure place within her that allows her to just relax and let it all hang out. I think most of that is just being a two year old. This is her norm even in familiar places with familiar people. She's actually just more relaxed on her own turf. Georgea has such a fun, silly personality and it makes me happy when she shares her true self with others. It took her awhile to get there, but today, was one of those days!

Here the girls are after each one taking a "flop" on the floor pillows. Georgea likes to imitate Alexa. She also loves to just observe her. She will stare and watch Alexa so intently. It's really sweet to watch.

I have to shoot so fast to get Georgea standing still, and unfortunately I lost the top of Alexa's head in this one! My photographic skills are lacking and I certainly don't see a photography class anywhere in my near future. Alexa is getting so tall & grown up, I can't believe it. I know I'm going to blink and Georgea will be right there with her.

Enter "The Chief", aka: Alexa's Daddy. Georgea loves him! She prefers men, no doubt. James, as well as both of G's grandfathers and all of her uncles serve as amazing playmates and she just loves that!

What could be better than an armful of Alexa and Georgea??? I can't think of a thing!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Careful Climber

Here's my girl doing something that makes me very nervous, but that she enjoys immensely. She gets such a kick out of climbing on just about anything. And I just hold my breath!

Sunday Fun!

Georgea had a great time on Sunday helping her Dada with a project AND visiting with her girlfriend Isabella.
Georgea's faithful companion "Mana" (Panda)

Sweeping up Dada's mess, and one-handed at that!

Tada!! Love our new dining room wall decor. Designed by Mama & hung with lots of love and care by Georgea's Dada. We collected these outfits from different locations, but the three sets of booties are actually from Georgea's home province of Guangxi.

Vida checking out Georgea's hair accessory action. They really do tolerate each other's invasions of personal space very well, thank goodness.

Making sure her pup didn't alter her do!

So happy to be in the mix sweeping & using the dust pan.

Now it's time to have some fun with Isabella!


Georgea has gone through such a growth spurt! She is really thriving. Gaining weight, inches and hair length. I guess I'll be saying "where did my baby go?!" for a very long time.

Cutie listening to her "cd player" (thanks Alexa) She loves this toy & carries it around, bopping to the fun disney sounds!

Cooking up a storm! Can't wait 'til she's big enough to help me in the real kitchen.

Heading off to give some snuggles & kisses to Dada!

We never tire of Georgea's sweet affection. She offers us hugs and kisses throughout the day and we are so honored to be the recipients of her love.