James had a business trip last week that was going to take him out of town for several days. After thinking long and hard we decided that going with him, as opposed to Georgea being away from Daddy, was the better choice. I was excited as this trip was taking us back to our old "stomping grounds." But as the time to depart grew near I began to worry about how the travel & time away from home would affect our baby girl who has settled so nicely thus far.
Thankfully we had a great trip & a very smooth return home (we've been back for almost 4 days). Georgea handled the flight out & back beautifully and put on her game face for the 3 hour time change and lots of friends and family dropping in to meet her for the first time.
Our dear friends the Shepherds opened their home to us which made our stay much more comfortable than staying in a hotel. Georgea's sleep pattern was not as consistent while we were gone....she ended up in bed with us several nights, but all in all she did great.
It was really fun to see friends and family and to share our baby girl. Everyone was so wonderfully respectful of & sensitive to the "asks" we made (short visits & no holding). I can't say thank you enough to those we were blessed to see, for the amazing support of our continued bonding with Georgea. I know it seems foreign to many these "odd" boundaries we've set. We have spent much time studying, reading, praying and receiving cousel from experts and we thank our friends, family and loved ones a million times over for trusting the decisions we have made and for supporting us ongoing through this journey.
Georgea made the trip home smoothly, clapped her hands and her feet and giggled most of the drive home from the airport (no doubt, she knew she was home). And, she has resumed her normal 12 hour sleep pattern starting the first night home. Life is good!

With Matthew and Amanda....oh I love these kids! We stayed at their house & Georgea loved hanging out & playing with them.

We kept on our routine of lots of floor time to work on crawling.

Cheering Georgea on as she works herself into the crawl position. Progress!

Georgea loves babies! Tyler is our friends Ivy & Tim's little one. Tyler and Georgea have birthdays that are just days apart.

I love this shot. Sweet baby girl.

The lean of love! Georgea thought Mariela was pretty cool.

Matthew & Georgea. She was quite smitten with him. She'd follow Matthew with her eyes every time he left the room. Pretty sweet.

The Tipton girls! James & I were there when Lauren and Alyssa were born. They were so sweet to come & visit with their Mom & Dad, Mike & Trish, our long time friends. You can see by Georgea's giggling that she enjoyed their company.

With Olivia and Peyton Andry, and Amanda. Getting 3 little ones to "pose" is impossible & this is the best we could come up with! :-)

Much better this go around, with just the 2 girlies.

Our family in Indiana drove over to see Georgea. This is Georgea's second cousin Jackson, our nephew Isaiah's baby boy.....adorable!