Monday, March 14, 2011

Cast & Converse

Here's my baby girl, waking up from her nap time on a Sunday afternoon. Georgea still takes her post-nap and her morning milk from a "Nubby" sippy cup. This is part of the waking up slow ritual that she so enjoys. Georgea is not a morning girl and she loves lounging in bed when she first comes to in the morning as well as from her afternoon nap. I took these photos two days prior to the removal of her "BIG cast." We survived three weeks with a dry, not too dirty arm covering and zero complaining from our sweet, go-with-the-flow girl.

I've been waiting and waiting to get a pair of Converse high tops on Georgea, or any other "normal" pair of shoes that isn't extra wide or stretchy-soft, for that matter. Looking at her in these shoes is very symbolic to me. This is one of my reminders that things have changed around here, that we have overcome one of our big life hurdles as a family. Georgea's surgery is behind us. The shoes are cute, and I love watching her run around in them, but having the worrisome surgery and post-surgery recovery in our rear view mirror is what those shoes are all about for this thankful Mama.
Cutie with a cast, but not for long!


Anonymous said...

Oh my shoes!! Too cute!! Can't wait to see pics from camping! Kiss my girl for me! XO!!

Debbie said...

parGracie loves her Nubby too....but "Don't Tell" - she still has her bottle at night! Love the first photo with her pig tails standind up! Great to see all those surgeries in the past. dx

Sue said...

Okay, those standig up pigtails are a hoot! Love the red sneakers...yes, very symbolic. You guys have been through a lot. :)


Aus said...

Very cool stuff - love the new cast - and as for the shoes - we used to call them "felony fliers"!!

As for the cup - who cares - some of our older young ones still crave some closeness with mom or dad and a milk from one - fine - after all our kids have been through a little something that brings them just a touch of the closeness they missed out on during their early years just plain!!

And she'll always be cute - beautiful is probably a better word!

hugs - aus and co.

Debbie said...

Amy, hope you get this message! Just to say Im starting a new blog soon ....will let you have details when its up and running. Dx