Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Careful Climber

Here's my girl doing something that makes me very nervous, but that she enjoys immensely. She gets such a kick out of climbing on just about anything. And I just hold my breath!


Sue said...

Oh yes, this always made me nervous too...same stools even. Luckily we never had a spill.

She is getting so big..can't wait to see her. : )

Anonymous said...

Be careful, Georgea!

So precious!

Aus said...

Great posts - yeah - to have seen her go from 'there' to 'here' - it really IS amazing to watch them grow! If you recall I suggested some time ago (a year or more now?) that I thought you might want rollerskates to keep up with her - have you gone shopping for some yet? ;) Great to just see her thrive!

Love the 'conversion' of the dresses to decor too - great idea - and they look just super there!

hugs - aus and co.